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    How Do I Enrol My Child For

    First Holy Communion

    First Holy Communion & First Confession

    When a child is in Year 3 or above, they are welcome to celebrate their First Holy Communion. 

    There is a programme of preparation, usually from September to May, and the First Holy Communion Masses take place in May/June. During the programme, the children learn more about the life and teaching of Jesus and how they can know him as a Brother, Saviour and Friend.

    The programme also includes First Reconciliation (“First Confession”), usually celebrated in Advent. This is explained to the children in a way which emphasises God’s forgiveness and love.

    The catechists – are very experienced, and the programme is suitable for children of different abilities. 

    Parents wishing to register their child for the programme must complete the application form, scan it over to Fr Benedict with their child's original Baptism Certificate and family photograph.

    You can download the application form by clicking the button to the right.

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